http://student-web-skills.suite101.com/article.cfm/teaching_cyber_safety_in_school The article Teaching Cyber Safety in School: Students Need to Begin Thinking Computer Safety Early, says that students are beginning to use the internet at earlier ages for school and recreational activities. The article talks about how we should teach students at an early age about the dangers of the internet and how to prevent anything from happening to them while they are online. There are many different ways to get the information out to children about the dangers of the internet, one can have a power point and share it with the class, watch a movie about some stories about kids their ages and what happened to them, and a guest speaker can come and talk to them about this issue. This is a very serious issue that needs more than a parent talk or two about it, students need to know the dangers of the internet both at school and when they are home.
I think that this is a serious issue that needs to be talked about at home and in the classroom. Students need to know the dangers that are on the internet and just having their parents tell them is not enough because come on what kid listens to their parents, I know I didn't it went in one ear and out the other. Having them hear it from their parents, teachers, and maybe a guest speaker might get them to believe that this is a serious issue that they need to know about when they are on the internet. Most of us have probably used some form of internet chat or had a profile on the internet, but using these things right and knowing who you are talking to or who is looking at your profile may cause no harm to you. This is why it is important for kids to learn about internet safety both in school and at home because it could save one of your students lives.
image from iCLIPART for schools.
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